Operation Tab

Network Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

Derrick Rountree , in Windows 2012 Server Network Security, 2013

Performance Tab

On the Functioning tab, you can see full general system performance information. Of item interest to us is the network information, as seen in Figure 6.5. You can see information on all of the networks you have configured on your system. You can see IP address, connection blazon, and SSID if the network is wireless. The about important information shown here is network utilization. You can meet how much of the throughput of a given interface is being used. You can meet the corporeality of information sent and the amount of data received.

Figure 6.v. Task Manager Performance Tab

Task Manager can as well provide more detailed network usage data. If you right-click on the throughput graph and select View network details, this volition bring upwards the Network Details window, as seen in Effigy six.6. Here you tin can come across network utilization, bytes sent and received, unicast information, and many other network details.

Figure 6.6. Task Manager Network Details

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Page files

Clint Huffman , in Windows Performance Analysis Field Guide, 2015

System committed retentivity and paging files

The system commit limit is the sum of concrete memory and all paging files combined. It represents the maximum amount of organisation committed memory (known as the "system commit charge") that the system tin dorsum. The system commit charge is the total amount of committed or "promised" memory of all committed virtual address infinite in the system. If the system commit charge reaches the system commit limit, then the arrangement and processes may fail to obtain committed retentivity resulting in, only not limited to, hangs, crashes, or other malfunctions. Therefore, it is important that the system commit limit is large enough to accommodate the organisation commit charge during peak usage.

The organization commit charge and organization commit limit tin be measured in the Functioning tab of Task Managing director or by using \Retention\Committed Bytes and \Memory\Commit Limit performance counters, respectively. The counter \Memory\% Committed Bytes In Utilize is the ratio of \Memory\Committed Bytes to \Retentivity\Commit Limit.


System-managed paging files volition automatically grow up to three times physical retentiveness or 4   GB whichever is larger when the system commit accuse is near the arrangement commit limit assuming at that place is plenty free deejay space bachelor to conform the growth.

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Physical memory

Clint Huffman , in Windows Operation Assay Field Guide, 2015

Identifying a low available physical memory condition using task director

It is actually relatively piece of cake to identify a organization that is low on available memory merely much more difficult (explained in "Identifying a depression-available-physical retentivity condition using Performance Monitor" earlier in this chapter) to determine if the low-memory condition is causing a system-wide delay. Job Managing director (office of the operating organisation) provides some initial indicators of this condition.

The Functioning tab of Task Manager in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 and earlier provides the "available" field, which is the equivalent of the \Memory\Bachelor MBytes performance counter. It doesn't provide any indication of when memory is low, so you have to expect for the total concrete memory usable by the organization using the "Full" field, do a ten% calculation on it, and determine if the current value of bachelor memory is less than it (Figure 8.ii).

Figure 8.2. Task Managing director on Windows Server 2008 R2 showing a low-available retentiveness condition.

Task Manager in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 and later has changed significantly and provides a bit more detail. The performance tab now has tabs for each resource, so nosotros can see the Bachelor retentivity on the Memory tab and the disk usage on the "Disk" tab (Figures 8.3 and 8.4).

Figure 8.3. Task Manager on Windows Server 2012 showing a depression-available retention condition.

Effigy 8.4. Task Manager on Windows Server 2012 showing 100% active fourth dimension on C: drive.


By default, the "Disk" tab does not appear in Task Manager on Windows Server 2012 and later. To enable it, run "diskperf -y" at an admin command prompt. This is not recommended for systems with a large number of disks.

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Vijay Kotu , Bala Deshpande , in Information Science (Second Edition), 2019

Step five: Process Execution and Estimation

When the model is setup and run every bit explained, RapidMiner generates 2 tabs in the Results perspective. The Functioning Vector (Functioning) tab shows a confusion matrix that lists the model accuracy on the testing information, forth with the other options selected above for the Functioning (Binominal Classification) operator in step 3. The Tree (Decision Tree) tab shows a graphic of the tree that was built on the training data (see Fig. iv.16). Fig. 4.17 shows the tree model in the course of rules. Several important points must exist highlighted before the functioning of this model is discussed:

Figure 4.xvi. Decision Tree.

Effigy 4.17. Decision Tree rules.


The root node—Checking Account Condition—is the most important predictor in the dataset.


If the Checking Business relationship Status=No business relationship, a prediction can be fabricated without the influence of other attributes.


For residual of the Checking Business relationship Status values, other parameters come into effect and play an increasingly important role in deciding if someone is likely to have a "good" or "bad" credit rating.


Watch out for overfitting. Overfitting refers to the process of building a model specific to the training data that achieves close to total accuracy on the training information. Even so, when this model is applied to new data or if the grooming information changes somewhat, then at that place is a meaning deposition in its performance. Overfitting is a potential issue with all supervised models, not just conclusion trees. One way this state of affairs could be avoided is by changing the decision tree criterion "Minimal leafage size" to something like 10. But doing so, the classification influence of all the other parameters is also lost, except the root node.

Now look at the Operation result. As seen in Fig. 4.eighteen, the model'southward overall accuracy on the testing data is 67%. The model has a class recall of 92.86% for the "truthful" class implying that it is able to selection out customers with good credit rating with good accurateness. However, its class recall for the "false" form is an abysmal 6.67%! That is, the model can only pick out a potential defaulter in i out of 15 cases!

Effigy 4.18. Performance vector.

One way to amend this operation is by penalizing false negatives by applying a toll for every such instance. This is handled by another operator called MetaCost, which is described in detail in the next chapter on logistic regression. When a parameter search optimization is performed past iterating through iii of the decision tree parameters, splitting criterion, minimum gain ratio, and maximal tree depth, significantly improved performance is gained. More details on how to prepare this type of optimization are provided in Chapter 15, Getting started with RapidMiner.

In addition to assessing the model's performance by aggregate measures such as accuracy, one can also use gain/lift charts, ROC charts, and AUC charts. An explanation of how these charts are constructed and interpreted is given in Chapter 8, Model Evaluation.

The RapidMiner process for a determination tree covered in the implementation section tin be accessed from the companion site of the volume at www.IntroDataScience.com. The RapidMiner process (∗.rmp files) tin can be downloaded to i's estimator and imported to RapidMiner through File > Import Process. Additionally, all the datasets used in this book can be downloaded from http://www.IntroDataScience.com.

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Clint Huffman , in Windows Performance Analysis Field Guide, 2015

Identifying loftier processor usage using task manager

Arguably, the easiest way to place a high processor status is to open up Job Manager (Ctrl-Shift-Esc) and navigate to the Performance tab. If any processor is at 75% or more of sustained usage, then it's worth investigating the threads and owning processes consuming those processors.

The Operation tab shows the overall processor usage or processor usage of each logical processor. A logical processor could be a socket, a cadre, or a simultaneous multithreading (SMT) processor such as Hyper-Threading (HT) or Clustered MultiThreading (CMT) processor. This means that a ii-socket system each with four cores and SMT enabled might take 16 logical processors shown in Task Manager.

Ane of the features that I like near Task Manager is how it can show kernel time (also known as privileged time) because information technology helps with directing my troubleshooting efforts. Loftier kernel mode usage might indicate a busy or faulty driver, while high user mode might indicate busy or poorly written awarding code. On Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 and before, select the Performance tab, and then click View, Show kernel times. This volition add a crimson line to the processor usage that shows how much fourth dimension is being spent in kernel fashion. On Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 and later, select the Operation tab, select CPU, right-click on the CPU nautical chart, and and then select Show kernel times. The difference between the overall usage and the kernel line (a cerise line or different shading depending on the operating system) represents the amount of user mode time that is related to awarding code. The analyses of high kernel mode processor usage and high user style processor usage are both covered in more detail later in this chapter.

Next, click on the Details tab (Processes tab on Windows vii and Windows Server 2012 and earlier) to see statistical data on each of the running processes. Sort by CPU by clicking the CPU column until it is in descending order (highest to lowest) to determine which procedure is using the about processor time. If the process proper name is non recognized, then try to identify it by correct-clicking the process name and selecting Open file location on Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012 or after. On earlier versions of Windows and Windows Server, the executable file of the process can exist identified using a file arrangement search or by searching for it online by searching on the process name. Once the process's executable file is located in the file organization, right-click and become to Backdrop of it to learn more. In addition, consider using the Sysinternals tool, Sigcheck, to verify the digital signature of the executable.

If the process has the proper name, svchost.exe, then information technology is hosting one or more Windows services. This can make it difficult to place which service is consuming processor time. The services running inside the process can exist identified by correct-clicking the svchost.exe and and so selecting Get to Service(s). This will automatically evidence the Services tab, and all of the services that are hosted past the svchost.exe will be highlighted.

Unfortunately, other tools are needed for further troubleshooting. With that said, Task Manager can be used to change the base of operations thread priority of a process and/or change the processor affinity of a procedure. These techniques can assist subdue a high CPU process.

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System committed retentivity

Clint Huffman , in Windows Functioning Analysis Field Guide, 2015

Monitoring system committed retentivity with task manager

Task Manager is born to the operating organization and it provides quick access to the values of the arrangement commit charge and the system commit limit. Just printing Ctrl+Shift+Esc and Task Manager is there (Figure 6.7).

Figure 6.7. System committed retention in Windows 7 Task Manager.

The electric current values of the system commit charge and the system commit limit (9.2   GB and 15.eight   GB, respectively, in the case of Figure 6.eight ) can exist rapidly accessed through the Performance tab of Task Manager. Figures 6.7 and 6.viii show these values in Task Manager in Windows seven and Task Manager in Windows 8, respectively.

Figure 6.viii. The Functioning tab of the Windows 8 Job Manager.


Chore Manager in Windows vii is identical to Task Manager in Windows Server 2008 R2. Task Manager in Windows eight is identical to Task Managing director in Windows Server 2012.


Call back, the organisation commit limit might increase if it has arrangement-managed paging file(s) and has a maximum size that has not been reached yet.

Finally, the system commit accuse/usage field name in Chore Manager has changed over the years. Here is the list of fields that really refer to the organisation commit charge/usage:

Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 are labeled "PF Usage."

Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 are labeled "Page File."

Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 are labeled "Commit."

Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 are labeled "Committed."

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Clint Huffman , in Windows Operation Analysis Field Guide, 2015

Monitoring network utilization using job manager

Task Manager is often the first tool to bring up when a system is running wearisome since information technology is already part of the operating system. Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 introduced a redesigned Task Manager that features resource usage of all of the major resources. The Performance tab has a minichart on the left for each of the network adapters and provides more details of its usage when selected. This really isn't annihilation new though. The Task Director in Windows Server 2008 R2 has a Networking tab that shows similar information ( Figure 9.three).

Effigy 9.3. Task Managing director showing Ethernet details.

Keep in heed that Task Director only shows the corporeality of data existence sent or received per second and does not show network bottlenecks outside of the system such as a tedious spider web site or packet loss. In my experience, chattiness (the number of network round trips) and latency (the corporeality of time information technology takes a packet to make a round trip), not utilization, are the most common network bottlenecks. Thankfully, the version of Resource Monitor that ships with Windows seven, Windows Server 2008 R2, and afterwards provides packet loss and latency of active TCP/IP connections.

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Multicore Embedded Systems

Colin Walls , in Embedded Software (Second Edition), 2012

10.i.2 Ability

There may exist a number of motivations for pursuing a multicore design strategy, but a primal one is optimization of power consumption.

Multicore system offers the potential of a significantly reduced ability consumption for a processor-based system. Information technology may not be obvious, just smaller simpler processors are far more power efficient than larger more complex ones. This is true even if the complex processor have sophisticated power management facilities which are used effectively.

Equally an example, consider the ARM Cortex A9 when compared with the ARM Cortex R4. When implemented on a 65   nm process, the Cortex A9 delivers 2075 DMIPS and has a power efficiency of 5.two DMIPS/mW and runs at 830   MHz (run across http://world wide web.arm.com/products/processors/cortex-a/cortex-a9.php operation tab—Unmarried core 65  nm, optimized for performance). While the ARM Cortex R4 implemented on the same process delivers 1030 DMIPS and has a ability efficiency of xiii.8 DMIPS/mW and runs at 620   MHz (run into http://www.arm.com/products/processors/cortex-r/cortex-r4.php performance tab, 65   nm process, optimized for performance).

Recall that Watts are Joules/Second and MIPS is Millions of Instructions/Second. Dimensional analysis allows us to multiply the numerator and denominator by Seconds and get "Millions of Instructions/Joule". Inverting this nosotros get Joules/Didactics—or the amount of energy needed to accomplish a given workload on the core. For the A9 nosotros get ane/five.ii or 0.192 MilliJoules/Million Instructions, and for the R4 we get 1/13.viii or 0.072 MilliJoules/Million Instructions—or a divergence of a gene of 2.65. Thus you volition burn down almost three times the free energy implementing an algorithm on an A9 equally compared with the R4. This is energy and does not include any fourth dimension aspects. If we look at power (Watts/Second) you need to include the speed of the processor. Looking at the power differential between these processors, the A9 burns 400   mW, while the R4 burns a mere 75   mW. That is 5.3 times more than power, but just twice the compute throughput. Two R4s will deliver the aforementioned compute capability while consuming just 37% of the ability. And the story gets more than compelling as the processors become smaller and simpler.

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Kernel memory

Clint Huffman , in Windows Performance Analysis Field Guide, 2015

What to look for

Getting direct to the betoken, if \Retentiveness\Organization Page Table Entries is less than 20,000, then the arrangement is low on kernel virtual address space. PTEs are covered in more detail later on in this chapter.

In add-on, if yous are using a 32-bit version of Windows or Windows Server, and so another "canary in the coal mine" that should tell you lot that y'all need to seriously expect at this is Event ID 2019 or 2020 in the system upshot logs. It is a clear indicator that the system is running out of these resource.


Effigy 5.2 shows the virtual accost space limits of the respective kernel pools. The "real" puddle maximum sizes are based on available kernel virtual address space, available arrangement committed memory, and available physical retention. This means that just considering Pool Nonpaged retentivity has a virtual address space the size of 75% of RAM, it is still limited to the amount of bachelor physical memory.

Figure 5.two. The estimated virtual address space limits of Puddle Paged and Pool Nonpaged kernel retentivity.

The Performance tab of Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc) (and so the Retentivity grouping on Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 and afterward) shows the amount of Puddle Paged and Pool Nonpaged usage. Unfortunately, it doesn't provide the maximum size of the respective pools, so the nautical chart in Figure 5.2 provides an gauge. If the usage is over 75% of their respective maximum sizes, so it is an indicator that warrants more investigation.


The kernel virtual address space of 32-fleck versions of Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 is limited to 2   GB or (4   GB minus the size of IncreaseUserVa), whichever is smaller. For example, a system with 2   GB of kernel-manner virtual accost infinite could potentially take a Pool Paged size of upward to ii   GB minus other kernel resource. This means that both Pool Paged and Pool Nonpaged cannot both occupy 2   GB at the same time.

On 32-bit versions of Windows Vista and Windows 2008 or later, the sum of Pool Paged and Pool Nonpaged cannot be larger than ii   GB or (4   GB minus the size of IncreaseUserVa), whichever is smaller, minus all of the other kernel-mode memory usage (Figure 5.3). This is due to the mathematical limitation of 32 bits and some other reason to get to 64-bit versions of Windows and Windows Server. This is a "huge" improvement from 32-bit versions of Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, which were more limited.

Effigy v.3. The Performance tab of Task Manager on a 32-bit (x86) version of Windows seven.


On the 32-bit version of Windows Vista, 32-chip version of Windows Server 2008, 32-bit version of Windows 7, 32-fleck version of Windows 8, and 32-chip version of Windows viii.i, the easiest way to betoken a potential 32-fleck kernel-fashion virtual accost infinite problem is to monitor free organization PTEs (\Memory\Free System Page Table Entries). Gratis organization PTEs are counted by the corporeality of pages that are costless in kernel virtual address space. Since Pool Paged or Puddle Nonpaged tin potentially use this space, information technology represents how much memory is potentially left over for system PTEs. Therefore, a lack of free system PTEs (look for values of less than twenty,000) can indicate a potential kernel pool leak.

Be aware that 32-chip versions of Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 and older are far different in the behavior of kernel virtual address infinite and are beyond the scope of this book only due to the complexities of the trouble.

The puddle counters tin can exist monitored enterprise-wide using the performance counters \Memory\Pool Paged Bytes and \Retention\Pool Nonpaged Bytes (Figure 5.4). See Chapter 2 "Functioning Monitor" for more information on various ways to collect these counters.

Figure v.4. 32-bit kernel virtual address space showing potential Puddle Paged and Pool Nonpaged usage.

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Jeremy Faircloth , in Enterprise Applications Assistants, 2014

GUI Tools

With Windows systems, at that place are a number of tools included that can aid yous in troubleshooting whatever issues that you lot run into. This section focuses merely on those tools included with the operating organization and does not cover the many fantabulous 3rd-party tools that are bachelor. All of the tools in this section have a graphical user interface (GUI) and are mostly bachelor in near Windows versions.

Task Manager

Task Manager is one of the most frequently used tools in Windows. The quick way to access it is to correct-click on the Taskbar and click the Job Managing director option or printing Ctrl-Shift-Esc. The instance screenshot in Figure three.5 shows the Task Manager from Windows Server 2012 with the "More Details" option expanded. From here, nosotros can see running applications, background services, and other processes running on the system likewise every bit the memory and CPU resources that each process is consuming. By expanding the process similar to the "Local Service" procedure shown in the case, you can see any subprocesses or services associated with the parent process.

Effigy 3.5. Windows Server 2012 Task Director.

By irresolute to the various tabs within the Task Managing director, we can perform additional functions. The Performance tab shows the current utilization of CPU, retentiveness, and network resources and allows you to view other important system information. The Users tab lists the users currently on the organisation, the applications that they accept running, and the system resources that each user is utilizing. Moving to the Details tab gives you lot more than insight into the processes currently running on the system and provides a number of deportment that you can perform with those processes including killing them, changing their priority, opening the directory that they're running from, and other useful functions. Finally, the Services tab shows y'all processes that are running as services on the system and allows you lot to start or stop them.

Resource Monitor

The Windows Resource Monitor is available in Windows to provide you fifty-fifty more all-encompassing details on resources utilization on the organization. It's available through Commencement->All Programs->Accessories->System Tools->Resources Monitor in some versions of Windows, in the Tools menu of Server Manager in others, through clicking on the Resource Monitor link on the Functioning tab in Chore Manager, or Start->Run-> " resmon". The Windows Server 2012 version is shown in Figure 3.six.

Figure 3.half-dozen. Windows Server 2012 Resource Monitor.

While Task Manager tin show you some resources utilization information, the data available in Resource Monitor is much more extensive and granular. Through the various tabs, you can view full general statistics or detailed CPU, retentivity, disk, and network data.

Performance Monitor

Merely as Resource Monitor provides more extensive resource information than Task Manager, Performance Monitor provides more extensive functioning data than either of the tools that we've discussed so far. Performance Monitor, which can be accessed past going to First->Run->"perfmon", is designed to allow a Windows administrator to collect very detailed operation information associated with the organisation hardware or operating system. This includes many functioning counters that aren't available to Resource Director such as kernel statistics, .Internet Common Language Runtime (CLR) data, and other of import data elements. For example, in Figure 3.7, we're adding a counter associated with pagefile usage to the electric current session.

Figure 3.7. Windows Server 2012 Performance Monitor.

Operation Monitor also allows yous to define and save collections of various counters that you use for specific purposes. For case, if in that location is a particular set of data that you similar to look at every time to clarify the organisation's overall capacity as a database server, y'all can define that information collector set once and then just use the saved gear up in the hereafter. The results of a scan for these data sets can be saved as Operation Monitor reports and reviewed in an like shooting fish in a barrel to use written report format.

Performance Monitor also allows you lot to save the results of monitoring sessions for afterwards review, viewing on a dissimilar organization than the one existence monitored, or importing into other tools. This allows you to gain more than use from the collected information and compare results between multiple sessions or multiple systems hands. There are a number of other features available through Performance Monitor, simply this should become y'all started on the areas that are important from an enterprise applications administration point of view.

Registry Editor

As we discussed previously in this affiliate, the Windows registry is a critical storage location for system and awarding configuration and settings. To edit the registry, nosotros can utilize a tool called the Registry Editor. Registry Editor can be executed quickly by just running the regedit executable file. This works beyond all Windows versions and should bring upwards the Registry Editor as shown in Figure 3.8.

Figure three.8. Windows Server 2012 Registry Editor.

We are not going to embrace whatever details on settings that yous tin change with the Windows Registry Editor here. As with most powerful administrative tools, mistakes made in Registry Editor can get out a organization unbootable or in a highly unstable status. The default recommendation is that you should not use Registry Editor unless yous have a business firm understanding of what you're doing with information technology and are willing to hazard damaging the operating organization if you brand a fault.

From the enterprise applications administrator perspective, the Registry Editor should generally be considered a read-just research tool and should not exist used for making changes without discussion with a qualified Windows administrator. That said, Registry Editor could be bully for finding hidden settings that can potentially be modifying the behavior of your enterprise application. For example, if the enterprise application that you're working with is supposed to utilise Microsoft Word templates for generating correspondence but for some reason is failing considering it'due south trying to open Notepad instead, it could be because of a file extension association mistake. This can exist found through Windows Explorer, but you tin can too see the trouble using the Registry Editor equally shown in Figure iii.9.

Figure 3.9. Erroneous file clan viewed in Registry Editor.

Group Policy Editor

The Grouping Policy Editor is used (obviously) to edit group policies associated with a domain, site, or other object. Even so, for an enterprise applications ambassador, it's not necessarily the editing capabilities that we demand, merely rather, the viewing capabilities. Group Policy Editor tin show y'all what the effective policy is for any given object and help you sympathise if there are any restrictions in place that could exist causing problems for your enterprise awarding or its users.

The Group Policy Editor can be executed from the Server Manager tools in Windows Server 2012 and is also available in earlier Windows versions. Over again, for this example, we're using Windows Server 2012. Effigy three.x shows Group Policy Editor running with the default domain policy for a specific domain displayed. Within the Settings tab, nosotros can view any settings that are in place per this policy. In this example, at that place is a security policy restricting a specific path. This could potentially cause problems if access to this path is required for the user that the enterprise awarding runs under and it doesn't have sufficient privileges.

Effigy three.10. Windows Server 2012 Group Policy Editor.

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